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CEO pay survey 2021: Findings summary

By 05.08.21EventsPast EventMarch 8th, 2022No Comments

Our annual assessment of FTSE 100 pay packages, with a particular focus on the impact of Covid-19 (10:00 -10:45, Thursday 19 August)

Next week we will be publishing our annual report on FTSE 100 CEO pay. At this event HPC researcher Rachel Kay will summarise the research findings, including CEO pay levels in 2020 and how they compare to previous years, with a particular focus on the impact of Covid-19. We will then invite audience members to contribute with their reflections.

The pandemic and the various economic shutdowns had a substantial, though varied, effect on corporate earnings and shareholder returns, and this has inevitably fed through to executive pay awards, both in terms of their size and structure.

A number of companies were forced to draw directly on government funding to support them through the crisis, and as such their pay practices are likely to be of heightened public interest.

The findings from this year’s report are perhaps more illuminating than ever in terms of what they say about the UK’s wider economic and political culture and its direction of travel – although with the virus yet to be fully conquered and the permanence of new practices and attitudes induced by the pandemic still in question, it remains to be seen what lasting effect Covid-19 should and will have on the fair pay, worker voice and responsible business agendas. We hope that our report can spark a debate on that subject, beginning with this event.