Past Event

Hidden Talent Part 2 launch: has workforce reporting by the FTSE 100 improved?

By 18.04.19Past EventAugust 27th, 2020No Comments

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
24 Chiswell Street
London EC1Y 4TY


  • Caroline Escott – Policy Lead: Investment and Stewardship, Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (Chair)
  • Ashley Walsh – Head of Policy and Research, High Pay Centre
  • Diandra Soobiah – Head of Responsible Investment, NEST Corporation
  • Janet Williamson – Senior Policy Officer, Corporate Governance, Trades Union Congress

There’s evidence to show that companies with strong corporate cultures and working practices perform better in the long-term: it’s therefore vital investors understand how well the companies they invest in treat their workforce.

Since 2015, the PLSA has been exploring the quality of company reporting on employment models and practices, producing practical guidance and toolkits for investors.  This work work has helped lead the way for a growing number of projects in this space, including the $13tn Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI) investor coalition.

This event will launch the PLSA Hidden Talent report – with research undertaken by the High Pay Centre – providing new insights into whether the quality of workforce reporting by the largest companies has improved in the last year. In particular, the research will examine reporting on issues such as the gender and ethnicity pay gaps and supply chain ethics, as well as covering progress on disclosure on employees’ mental health, training and the use of agency workers.