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High Pay Centre Executive Director challenges excessive pay on BBC Sunday Morning

Luke Hildyard calls for fairer distribution of economic rewards and highlights flaws in narratives around success and leadership

Recently, Luke Hildyard, Executive Director of the High Pay Centre, appeared on BBC Sunday Morning to discuss high pay in the charity sector and highlight wider issues of excessive pay and inequality. Hildyard argued that society often tells the wrong story about how success is created, focusing too much on a small group of elite leaders at the top rather than recognising the collective efforts of a wider group of people.

He emphasised that prosperity comes from engaging and inspiring people to work towards shared goals and rewarding them fairly and proportionately. Many of the economic and social problems we face, he suggested, are rooted in the misconception that top leaders are solely responsible for success and deserve the bulk of financial rewards. Instead, he called for a fairer distribution of rewards that benefits those in the middle and lower parts of the workforce, rather than allowing wealth to be concentrated at the top.