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Past Event

Paid to Perform? – What do we want business leaders to achieve?

By 06.12.12Past EventSeptember 3rd, 2020No Comments

Wednesday 16 January 2013

The High Pay Centre
32-36 Loman Street
London SE1 0EH

This event will be taking place on Wednesday 16th January not Tuesday 15th January as originally advertised

Performance-related pay can be worth as much as 900% of an executive’s basic salary. But what type of performance are bonuses and long-term incentive plans measured against? Critics including academics, regulators, investors and even business leaders themselves have cautioned against the UK’s obsession with narrow financial performance metrics measured over a short-term timeframe.

This seminar will examine the findings of the High Pay Centre’s recent research into measures of company performance. It will also discuss potential alternatives to the current measures of executive performance currently used by most big UK companies, and the culture of short-term shareholder value that they reflect.

The findings will be presented by Luke Hildyard, Head of Research at the High Pay Centre and Prem Sikka, Professor of Accounting at The University of Essex will comment on the research. The debate will then be opened to questions from the floor.

Prem Sikka is Professor of Accounting and Director of Centre for Global Accountability at the University of Essex. His research on accountancy, auditing, corporate governance, money laundering, tax avoidance, tax havens, insolvency and business affairs has been published in books, international scholarly journals, newspapers and magazines. He has also appeared on radio and television programmes to comment on accountancy and business matters.

This event will be held at the offices of The High Pay Centre.
Closest tube station: Southwark and London Bridge
Map & directions available here.

Refreshments provided.

The event is free of charge but places are limited.
To reserve a place, please send us an email.