Past Event

Executive Pay Performance Metrics

By 05.02.15Past EventSeptember 3rd, 2020No Comments

Tuesday 7 April 2015

32-36 Loman Street
Lower ground conference room
London SE1 0EH

Income inequality has reached the top of the public policy agenda. Given that long term incentive schemes have been the principal driver of relative increases in executive pay levels we have examined the performance measures which companies plan to use in their schemes over the next three years. Please join the High Pay Centre to discuss the resulting report, which forms part of a series of publications looking at performance related pay

The report found that relative Total Shareholder Return will continue to be the dominant measure amongst large listed UK companies over the next three years.  It also finds that a majority of the UK companies examined are using at least one performance measure which is the same for their annual bonus scheme and their long term scheme.  The report contrasts UK executive pay metrics with those in use at French and German companies, and finally, it discusses inadequate pay disclosures by companies in the context of new UK pay disclosure regulations.

Report author Paul Marsland will present on his findings and will be joined by Dr. Ruth Bender, Reader in Corporate Financial Strategy at Cranfield University School of Management, to answer questions and discuss the report with guests.

Lunch will be served.  This event is free and open to the public, but RSVPs are essential.  Please email to reserve your place.