
Fear of the Brain Drain

By 03.10.13BlogSeptember 2nd, 2020No Comments

Radio 4 documentary, featuring High Pay Centre Director Deborah Hargreaves, asks whether there is any basis in claims that the super rich will flee the country if their pay is moderated…and whether it would be such a problem if they did!

High Pay Centre Director Deborah Hargreaves was interviewed for a Radio 4 documentary, presented by Rod Liddle, discussing the so-called brain drain.

The programme looked at the High Pay Centre’s research showing that less than 0.4% of the world’s leading Chief Executives were recruited from overseas competitors, suggesting that the risk of losing ‘talent’ overseas in the event of a reduction in top pay, is greatly exaggerated.

The programme also questioned the claim, often made without much supporting evidence, that bankers, Chief Executives and other top earners possess some kind of unique, unteachable talent that the economy could not do without.

You can listen to the programme via BBC iplayer until Monday 7 October