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It’s A Mum’s World: attitudes to business reform, the economy and pay

By 28.08.12PublicationsSeptember 2nd, 2020No Comments

Latest report from the High Pay Centre on attitudes to the economy, business and pay

In a new survey of mumsnet users conducted for the high pay centre 72% of mums want businesses to prioritise job creation over short term shareholder returns. This survey of Mums showed a significant degree of pessimism when it came to the future for their children.  When asked to think about a number of key issues:

  • 80% of Mumsnet users felt that opportunities to get on the housing ladder would be worse for their children than it was for them;
  • 78% concluded that levels of personal debt would be worse;
  • 87% said the state pension provision would be worse.

When asked what should be done about it, almost three quarters (72%) say that businesses should prioritise job creation over shareholder return.  They also wanted action from government:

  • 81% either tended to agree or strongly agreed that the “government should do more to support job creation schemes in companies for younger people”.

High Pay Centre Director, Deborah Hargreaves, said: “When our children are young, we all have high hopes for them. We like to think the future will be better for them.  But Britain’s dire economic situation has dashed hopes for many mums that brighter prospects lie ahead.”

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