New High Pay Centre project
Alternative measures of company performance Does a narrow focus on financial performance measures damage the long-term prospects of British businesses and the wider society in which they are situated? This Autumn, the High Pay Centre…
Announcement: New appointment
Appointment of Luke Hildyard, Head of Research and Projects The High Pay Centre is delighted to announce a recent addition to the team. Luke Hildyard has been appointed as Head of Research (incoming). Luke has…
The Impact of High Pay in Football
Monday 13 August 20126:00pm High Pay Centre Offices32-36 Loman StreetLondon SE1 0EH The High Pay Centre is pleased to invite you to the fourth in a series of seminars on better business, held in association…
Announcement: New appointment
The High Pay Centre is delighted to announce that Cliff Weight has joined our advisory board. Cliff Weight has been a remuneration consultant for 27 years. He is an executive director of MM&K, the leading…
Overcoming Crisis: How to move towards a more ethical capitalism – Liberal Democrat Party Conference
Monday 24 September 20128:00pm Hilton HotelBrighton As part of the High Pay Centre's series of events at Party Conferences this season, this panel debate will bring together speakers from a wide range of political, business…