
Past Event

Executive Directors’ Remuneration

Monday 10 June 20135:00pm The High Pay Centre32-36 Loman StreetLondon SE1 0EH The 2013 Executive Directors Total Remuneration Survey, produced jointly by MM&K and Manifest, is recognised as the authoritative guide to pay of Executive…

Next boss gives his bonus to staff

While spreading £2.4 million among employees is a welcome move, gestures like this will not rein in runaway executive pay, writes Deborah Hargreaves in the Guardian Lord Wolfson’s largesse in spreading his £2.4m bonus among…

The rich only get richer

Cutting tax for the rich does not lead to wealth reaching the rest of us. Deborah Hargreaves in the New Statesman The social contract is unravelling,” said Angel Gurria, secre- tary-general of the OECD. Speaking…